
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Beginning

I'm back! At least, I hope I'm back. Around the time of my last post in April 2012, my life started changing so fast that I just could not keep up with this blog. This time I'm hoping (although not promising because life happens) that I will stay dedicated. It helps me immensely to write, and I am hoping that I might help others as well. So now I am back where I started last year on New Year's - making resolutions.

I love New Year's Resolutions. Like I said on last year's list, I love the idea of having a goal with a year to complete it.So did I accomplish my resolutions from last year? Yes and no. I made progress with most of them but I admit to getting off course at times. For example, as soon as Prairie Babe was born (who will be referred to as "Prairie Boy" from now on! Yeah!), I  failed at following through with homeschooling Prairie Girl. But she is only 3 so it's not necessary right now anyway; we are just trying to form good habits. And I had to stop trying to lose weight since I was pregnant, but I did continue to exercise. I did feel like I grew in my relationship with God, and I did a lot more Bible studying than in previous years, but that can always be improved upon.

What are this year's goals? Well here they are, along with my plan.

1. Continue to devote more time to studying God's word
    *Learn with my daughter through her homeschool lessons from ABCJesusLovesMe
    *Complete the devotional book The Busy Mom's Devotional
    *Look up and study the passages used in the Christian fiction books I read
2. Make each member of my family feel special and like they have my full attention
    *Spend one-on-one time with each person on a daily basis
    *Plan special activities and outings for each person
3. Get back to focusing on my "life skills" I have studied throughout the years
    *Prevent clutter by limiting my shopping and selling/donating what I no longer need
    *Be conscious of my plastic consumption and avoid bringing in new plastic
    *Use natural products and avoid chemicals and packaged foods
4. Lose my baby weight plus 5 pounds
    *Track calories every day for every food
    *Resume my previous gym activity

And here's a little different list of measurable goals that can be "checked off"
*Complete at least 5 5Ks and 1 10K by the end of the year
*Help Prairie Girl complete 1 Complete Curriculum Pre-School Book
*Create checklist cards for the kids' daily routines and my housekeeping
*Read 12 books (children's books don't count!)
*Log 500 miles on my exercise bike
*Go on 12 dates with Prairie Dad (not just family outings)
*Complete baby books for both children
*Take at least 1 picture each day
*Write down what our family does each day even if it is only 1 line

And there you have it. I have no plan of perfection, and life happens, so I know I'll get off track. But I have something to strive for. And I'll probably add to the list throughout the year. But for now, I feel good about this.

Happy New Year to you and yours! Now tell me about YOUR resolutions!