
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I love new year's resolutions. I love the idea of setting goals and having an entire year to complete. I like to make some measurable and some not. I don't think we have to necessarily complete our resolutions, but I think any amount of progress towards them is positive. Mine always revolve around my personal convictions and life goals. I also like to work on refining my resolutions throughout the year and developing new ways to accomplish them. So since it is new year's day, and you're still finding out what I'm all about, here are my resolutions and the current ways I have planned to accomplish them:

1. Devote more time to studying God's word and prayer
    * Read Bible stories to my daughter
    * Read from my weekly devotional books
    * Locate and use a Bible reading plan to help me make it completely through the book
    * Focus on setting aside specific time to pray rather than sporadically throughout the day
2. Establish a homeschooling routine for my daughter
    * Devise a curriculum that focuses on Bible study, phonics, math, science, social skills, and life skills
    * Read one story a day
    * Help her complete an art project three times a week
    * Create a loose schedule of when activities should be accomplished
3. Make our home more eco-friendly by eliminating plastics and using more natural products
    * Purge our home of plastic containers and use only glass and stainless steel
    * Use reusable shopping bags in stores
    * Use baking soda, vinegar, peroxide, and castile soap as the basis for my cleaning products
    * Avoid buying packaged foods - purchase unwrapped, organic produce and local eat
    * Avoid using disposable products including frozen dinners that come in plastic containers
4. Avoid buying things I don't need while de-cluttering excess from my home - to the extreme!
    * Only run errands 1 day a week  - if we don't have it, do without!
    * Do not use shopping as recreational family time
    * Do not attend clearance sales unless I really need something
    * Purge my house of items I don't use, clothes that are worn out/too big, and things I don't want
5. Finish the craft projects I started in 2012 and use up my current supplies
    * Use my yarn stash to make things that I need for my home like a table runner, pot holders, and doilies
    * Complete the scarves I've start knitting and give them away at work
    * Create a plan for bringing my daughter's scrapbook up to date and work on it every month
    * Devote a weekend to sewing projects to complete doll diapers and clothes for my daughter
6. Lose the last 13 pounds so I can finally achieve the 120s for the first time in my life.
    * Eliminate white sugar and white flour from my diet
    * Exercise in the gym or at home at least 3 days a week
    * Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    * Focus on overall nutrition
7. Limit my computer usage so that I can accomplish more 
    * Set a timer whenever I sit down at the computer and leave when it beeps.
    * Close my computer after my last session at night so I am not tempted to sit down again
    * Set aside specific times to use the computer rather than throughout the day
    * Create lists of what I want to accomplish at the computer

Whew! I think that's enough for now. I'm sure you've guess that my blog posts this year are going to focus on these topics, so you'll be on the ride with me watching me accomplish my goals. But enough about me. What are your goals? What do you want to accomplish in 2013?


  1. Great goals - I look forward to seeing your journey over the coming year!

  2. Love your list I need to use some of them myself!
