
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Where is my Underwear?

Before: Too much stuff that not in its proper place

I de-clutter my house at key times in the year. I do one good sweep at the beginning of the year so I feel more prepared for new possibilities. But I don't dive in and do it all at once. I start with small projects that can be effective yet done quickly.

This time around, I decided to start with the chest of drawers in my bedroom. It's all mine, so I can go through it by myself and rather quickly. I like to start at the top and work my way down. The top drawer is devoted to my underwear, slips, socks, perfume, and the phone and iPad chargers since the drawer is next to the outlet.

When I opened up the drawer, I found a HUGE mess. Despite my organizers, nothing was in place, and there were things there that didn't belong. Not to worry though! I have an easy way to sort through these kinds of situations.

1. Empty the drawer - Get everything out, wipe down the drawer, and replace the organizers to start with a clear workspace.

2. Purge the unnecessary items - It was easy to pick out things that didn't belong - Scentsy cubes, birthday cards, hair bows. Next came things that were worn out like old gym socks. Finally came things that don't fit. Since I have lost so much weight, I had to eliminate some underwear and slips.

3.Only replace what fits - Folding makes a big difference. I love the Youtube videos from Linda Koopersmith, the Beverly Hills Organizer. If things are properly folded, they can fit in the organizers. Organizers also help you know when you have too much. My sock organizer holds 32 pairs, so if is overflowing, I know I have too much.

After: Tidy and de-cluttered. Everything fits!
4. Carry it all away - Things that belong in other places were promptly put away. Things I discarded went in a donation bag. Now don't lose it here - I don't expect anyone to wear my old underwear. But I do know of a local thrift store that recycles anything they can't sell. Fabric can be recycled, and I'd rather see it go on to a new life than go in a dumpster.

When I was finished, I was happy that I'd worked on my resolution to de-clutter and simplify. Now I know what I have and where it is, and I know that I don't need to buy anything, so I won't be tempted when I see pretty fuzzy socks on clearance.

Take 10 minutes, and go de-clutter a drawer!


  1. I like the way you simply dumped the drawer first. Sometimes I start out just moving things around, but always realize halfway into the project that it's better to dumo and start fresh (including the cleaning part). You've just motivated me to tackle underneath the kitchen sink. Looks like I have a date this w/e!
    Thanks for linking this up with the TALU!

    1. Anne, I had a home organizing business for a while, and I always told clients that until you can see everything you have to work with, you can't get it all sorted correctly. Best of luck to you!

  2. I love nothing more than purging and organizing. With the number of people in the house, there is ample opportunity for me to do both on a very frequent basis.
    Little steps, like your one drawer, is the way to go.

  3. I'm inspired! You make organizing sound like fun. I'm glad I found this post through TALU!

  4. Had to laugh at the thought of someone explaining their fabulous new quilt pattern ... and yes, can you believe this patch came from a pair of recycled undies?!? ;) [#TALU]

  5. See now I could do all this - but my problem is maintaining it! I can never maintain my organized genius! LOL - Found you through the archived link up!

  6. I have this little book on simplicity that I refer to every now and again. Sometimes the clutter in my life becomes clutter in my thoughts. Letting go of things that no longer work for me often sets free the ghosts that held onto them in the first place. TALU

    1. Jeannine, I know exactly what you mean. In fact, that may have to be a future post because I have overcome a lot of mental clutter over the past couple of years.

  7. Thanks for the sweet comments everyone! Glad you could all drop by, and watch for more organizing posts coming soon!

  8. hello there.. visiting from TALU. great tips here. I should de-clutter to my drawer and hubs. I feel like am a very disorganized wife when yesterday morning my hubs showed me his socks with hole at the bottom. he he he that old and torn socks should be in there.. your post is a jumpstart for me to start sorting out and de-clutter. good pointers!!

  9. Clutter is such a hot spot for me. I still haven't figured out a good plan for all the junk that ends up on my kitchen counter. I LOVE to organize things though. I just did my closet a few months ago and it made me feel so good I would just go in and stand there looking at how neat everything was. lol (talu)

  10. I have a NY resolution to spend at least 30 minutes each week organizing something. It's amazing how good it feels to just get an underwear drawer done, a closet vacuumed, things donated.
