
Friday, January 4, 2013

Confessions of a Sale Addict

Shopping clip art
I don't want to look like this anymore!
I have too much stuff. Way too much stuff. It's not that my house is overflowing with knick knacks or that my closets won't shut - I just can't handle clutter very well, and if something isn't used a lot or loved, it's clutter to me. Now I consider myself an expert at de-cluttering - I've even taught classes on it. I can clean out a closet and organize it in no time. But that's only the solution to the problem.  I need to get to the root of my problem: shopping. Or more specifically, clearance sales.

I love a good sale. I love finding nice things 75% or 90% off the original price. And that's another thing of which I consider myself an expert. I know when and where all of the seasonal sales are, I know which stores have the best selections, and I know how to use a coupon to get something even cheaper. I once found myself in Target wheeling out 3 carts full of toys for my daughter and niece, and I paid less than $100 for a lot of nice things. Key words: a lot.

My house already has everything I need, so why am I always on the hunt for more? Because it's a thrill. I feel like I've won a battle if I can get a Christmas wreath that was originally $30 for just $7.50. But I do I need it? No. I don't. I have boxes full of Christmas decorations. I don't need more sheets, frying pans, candles, blankets, or picture frames. My daughter doesn't need any more toys, and my husband doesn't need any more video games. And yet I return to the stores because that's what I've always done for fun. But it's time to stop.

I've de-cluttered my house more times than I can count. And I'll do it again this year. But here's the difference. This year I pledge to buy less so the de-cluttering will remain effective. I know, easier said than done. But here's how I'm going to do it:

Limit my shopping trips. If I'm not in a store, I can't buy things. Like many people, I run to the store if I'm out of 1 or 2 things. Unless it's a true emergency, like if Prairie Girl needs medicine, I'm going to limit my store errands to once a week.

Make lists of needs and wants. I'm going to list what we really need in the house and what I want. If we need something and it's on the list, I won't feel guilty buying it. If I just want something, I'm going to wait and think about it.

Ask myself questions. For each item that is on the "want" list, I'm going to ask myself 3 questions: 1) How will I use it? 2) Do I already own something like it? 3) Will I use it/keep it for a long time?

This mission isn't about money. I believe in in living frugally and saving money, but this is about clutter versus simplicity. Simplicity makes me happy. Cleaning, moving, and storing stuff, no matter how cheap it was, doesn't make me happy.

As the year progresses, I'll check in and let you know what I'm doing instead of shopping. I know my family is excited about the prospect of free Saturdays and fewer Wal-Mart trips. Now surely I'm not the only one with too much stuff. What about you?

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