
Friday, February 1, 2013

Recipe Box: Maple Roasted Green Beans

Once a week, I'll open my recipe box and share one of my favorite healthy, tasty, low calorie recipes. Use them to spice up your menu plan and find a delicious way to maintain a healthy weight.

Growing up, I thought green beans came from cans, they were a drab olive color, and they were all squishy in texture. I was so wrong! Fresh green beans are bright, flavorful, and can be anywhere from crisp to chewy depending on how they are cooked. My favorite way to cook them is to slow roast them in the oven to bring out the best flavor while helping them retain their nutrients.

Maple Roasted Green Beans

2 cups fresh green beans with stems trimmed
2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp. maple syrup (grade A or B is acceptable)
salt and pepper to taste

Combine all of the ingredients and toss the green beans so they are well coated. Spread them on a foil covered baking sheet and put them in a preheated 350 degree oven. Let them roast for 20-30 minutes - it really depend on if you like them more crunchy or more dark roasted. Stir them a few times while they roast to prevent burning and sticking.

And that's it!

A half cup serving is only 63 calories and packs 2 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber. The maple syrup is also loaded with antioxidants, and unlike sugar, it helps balance insulin levels. This simple side dish will make any meal feel like a fine dining experience. Enjoy!

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